Fishing Term: Cigar Float
A cigar float, also known as a slip float or slip bobber, is a buoyant fishing float shaped like a cigar or elongated tube. It is designed to slide along the fishing line, allowing anglers to adjust the depth at which their bait or lure is presented in the water.
Key features of a cigar float include:
- Slip Design: The float has a hollow center that allows it to slide freely along the fishing line. This design enables anglers to set the depth at which their bait or lure is suspended beneath the surface.
- Versatility: Cigar floats are versatile and can be used in various fishing environments, including lakes, rivers, and ponds. Anglers commonly use them when targeting species like panfish, trout, and bass.
- Adjustable Depth: The ability to adjust the depth of the bait is a significant advantage. Anglers can set the depth based on the specific water depth or the location of fish in the water column.
- Visibility: Many cigar floats come in bright colors for better visibility on the water, making it easier for anglers to detect bites or movements.
To use a cigar float, anglers typically thread the fishing line through the hollow center and attach a bobber stop or knot above and below the float to set the desired depth. This allows for precision in presenting the bait at different levels in the water.